
Mutual recognition with other feed certification schemes

EFISC-GTP, AIC, GMP+, OVOCOM (FCA) and QS have mutual recognitions in place in order to ensure recognition and acceptance of the certification systems and to facilitate trade.

The certification schemes are committed to further strengthen cooperation by exchange of information, by a more systematic sharing of expertise on technical issues as well as by harmonized procedures in case of crisis management.

At least once a year, a consultation meeting shall take place, during which amendments to quality standards, potential improvements and harmonisation will be discussed.

Certification schemes have to be in compliance with a range of EU legal provisions such as for instance:

Rules of the internal market. Certification services must be freely available across EU borders, and must not result in de facto barriers to trade in goods in the internal market.

Rules on competition. Certification schemes should not lead to restrictive horizontal or vertical agreements and/or to an abuse of market power.