
Sector document for the vegetable oil and protein meal industry

The sector document for the vegetable oil and protein meal industry provides the generic risk assessments by product and process to be used by the feed business operator as a guidance for his own risk assessment. It gives an evaluation of the various hazards involved, their classification and the possible control measure.

FEDIOL Codes of practice are providing further detailed guidance and requiremenst on specific subjects like for instance dioxin monitoring.

Risk assessment by product and process

Code of practice

See the FEDIOL website for the relevant Codes of Practice. These Codes of Practice are integral part of the EFISC certification scheme.

Salmonella checklist

The EFISC technical committee has, in cooperation with FEDIOL, developed a Salmonella checklist and a Salmonella factsheet. The aim of the checklist is to provide a tool to the operator to evaluate the measures he has in place in order to further minimize the Salmonella contamination in the protein meal.